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The primary healthcare domain plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of individuals and communities. Open source software has the potential to revolutionize primary healthcare by providing accessible, customizable, and scalable solutions. This write-up presents a roadmap for developing an open source software platform tailored to the specific needs of primary healthcare.

Iterative Improvements

Enhance the core functionality of AMRIT open source software. This includes enhance the modules for patient management, electronic health records (EHR), appointment scheduling, prescription management, and billing. Compliance with healthcare standards, such as HL7 and FHIR, should be considered to ensure interoperability with existing systems. An open source software platform in the primary healthcare domain should embrace an iterative improvement approach. Regular updates, feature enhancements, and bug fixes should be released based on user feedback, emerging healthcare trends, and technological advancements. Maintaining a strong feedback loop with end-users and stakeholders is crucial to keep the software up-to-date and aligned with evolving needs.

Community Building

To foster the growth and sustainability of the open source software, community engagement is essential. Enables developers, healthcare professionals, and volunteers to contribute, provide feedback, and share ideas. Regular meetings, hackathons, and conferences can further strengthen the community and encourage innovation.


Establishing a robust community governance model ensures the long-term sustainability and growth of the open source software. Community leaders, steering committees, and decision-making processes should be defined to manage contributions, resolve conflicts, and set strategic directions. Exploring funding opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations with healthcare organizations, research institutions, and governmental bodies can provide financial support and sustainability.


To be Updated