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Accessible Medical Records vis Integrated technology

A.M.R.I.T (Accessible Medical Records vis Integrated technology) is a digital health platform initially developed by Piramal Swasthya Management Research Institute (PSMRI). It connects beneficiaries, health facilities & the health workforce in an integrated ecosystem through technology. AMRIT is leveraged by multiple Health and Wellness centres across states in India with services such as 104 helpline, 1097 HIV helpline and telemedicine.


Health & Wellness Centre

Comprehesive out patient services such as medical advice, specialist consultation, drug dispense and laboratory facilities available at a primary health centre.


Mother and child tracking system provides advice and counselling to expecting mothers and new mothers from initial stage of pregnancy till child is in infant age


1097 is national AIDS helpline service providing counselling and care to beneficiary or family suffering with AIDS


FHIR is a standard set of rules and specifications for exchanging electronic health care data between computer systems


Mobile Medical Units are specially equipped vans that provide medical advice & diagnostics in rural areas


Call centre service that provides medical advice, counselling, grievance redressel and directory services